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Is my child a candidate for speech & language therapy?

Speech sound production, expressive and receptive language skills are areas that children develop at differing rates. However, there are instances when therapeutic intervention may be necessary.


Intervention may be needed if:

  • your child is struggling to communicate and/or experiencing frustration when interracting with others

  • your child is having difficulty accurately producing simple speech sounds

  • your child is having word finding difficulties and/or has a limited vocabulary

  • your child is not following simple directions or responding to questions

  • your child is not interested in playing with peers or with developmentally appropriate toys/games

  • your child is not excelling in other academic areas (i.e., reading, writing)

frequently asked questions

What kinds of speech and language disorders affect children?

Speech and language disorders can affect the way children talk, understand, analyze or process information. Speech disorders include the clarity, voice quality, and fluency of a child's spoken words. Language disorders include a child's ability to hold meaningful conversations, understand others, problem solve, read and comprehend, and express thoughts through spoken or written words


At what age should I seek out help for my child?

We work with children from infancy to adolescence. If you are concerned about your child's communication skills, please call or email to begin the intake process. The early months of your baby's life are of great importance for good social skills, emotional growth, and intelligence!


Is my child developing speech and language at a normal rate?

There are differences in the age at which an individual child understands or uses specific language skills. The following list provides information about general speech and language development. If your child is not doing 1 -2 of the skills in a particular age range, your child may have delayed hearing, speech, and language development. If your child is not doing 3 or more of the skills listed in a particular age range, please take action and contact us to find out if an evaluation or consultation is necessary. Compiled from, "How Does Your Child Hear and Talk?"


Birth - 3 Months:

Startles to loud sounds.

Quiets or smiles when spoken to.

Seems to recognize your voice and quiets if crying.

Increases or decreases sucking behavior in response to sound.

Makes pleasure sounds (cooing, gooing)

Cries differently for different needs.

Smiles when sees you.


4 - 6 Months

Moves eyes in direction of sounds.

Responds to changes in tone of your voice.

Notices toys that make sounds

Pays attention to music.

Babbling sounds more speech-like with many different sounds, including, p, b, and m.

Vocalizes excitement and displeasure.

Makes gurgling sounds when left alone and when playing with you.


7 Months - 12 Months

Enjoys games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake.

Turns and looks in direction of sounds.

Listens when spoken to.

Recognizes words for common items like "cup", "shoe," "juice."

Begins to responds to requests ("Come here," "Want more?").

Babbling has both long and short groups of sounds such as "tataupup bibibibibi."

Uses speech or non-crying sounds to get and keep attention.

Imitates different speech sounds.

Has 1 or 2 words.


12 Months

Responds to their name

Understands simple directions with gestures

Uses a variety of sounds

Plays social games like peek a boo


15 Months

Uses a variety of sounds and gestures to communicate

Uses some simple words to communicate

Plays with different toys

Understands simple directions


18 Months

Understands several body parts

Attempts to imitate words you say

Uses at least 10 - 20 words

Uses pretend play


24 Months

Uses at least 50 words

Recognizes pictures in books and listens to simple stories

Begins to combine two words

Uses many different sounds at the beginning of words.


2 to 3 Years

Speech is understood by familiar listeners most of the time.

Understands differences in meaning (go-stop, in-on, big-little, up-down)

Follows two requests ("Get the book and put it on the table.")

Combines three or more words into sentences

Understands simple questions

Recognizes at least two colors

Understands descriptive concepts


3 to 4 Years

Uses sentences with 4 or more words.

Talks about activities at school or at friends' homes.

People outside family usually understand child's speech.

Identifies colors

Compares objects

Answers questions logically

Tells how objects are used


4 to 5 Years

Answers simple questions about a story

Voice sounds clear

Tells stories that stay on topic.

Communicates with other children and adults.

Says most sounds correctly

Can define some words

Uses prepositions

Answers why questions

Understands more complex directions

Motivated Speech-Language Pathologists Serving the Greater Rochester Area

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